Minutes of the D-20 Board of Directors Meeting
Oregon Trail Regional Vancouver, Washington

February 20, 2010 Saturday, Day two


Sam Asai, President

Rich  Carle, NA Events

Bob Peery,  Area 9

Merlin Vilhauer, Webmaster

Christine Orchard, Trumpet

Jeff Taylor, District Director

Kathy Hansen, NABC  Chair

Molly Harris, Area 5

Marilyn Vilhauer, Tournament Chair

Larry Crumb, Area 2  

John Weatherwax, Area 6

Mary Alice Seville, Education Liaison




Absent without proxy:

Lily Johannessen, Area 4 Bernadine Lacy, Area 7 and Zelna Morrow, Area 1

Marc Zwerling, Finance Chair

Marie Ashton, Secy/Treas

Mike Eyer, Recorder

1.       Call to Order- Sam Asai

a.       Meeting called to order at 4:35 p.m. by  President Sam Asai

b.       Attendees introduced themselves and welcomed Mary Alice Seville and Mike Eyer as the new Education Liaison and District Recorded, respectively.


2.       Approval of Minutes from Friday, February 19, 2010

a.       Motion made by John Weatherwax to accept the minutes from the previous day; Bob Peery seconded; motion passed unanimously.


3.       Finance Committee Report continued- Marc Zwerling, Chair

a.       Marc presented the recommendations in a written report, a copy of which is made part of these minutes by reference. With the original budget showing a deficit of about $ 13,000, most of the recommendations included cutting costs. Four items were voted on in yesterday’s meeting. President Asai started with the fifth committee recommendation at this meeting;


v.             Limiting President’s benefits to the day before and the day of the Board meetings.  The benefits are hotel rooms and free plays. Under the current tournament schedule, this will be 3 days at the Oregon Trail and two at Medford/Eugene and Seaside.  This is estimated to save about $1,000 per year. Bob Peery moved and Jeff Taylor seconded a motion to establish the President’s benefits as hotel and free plays for the day before and the day of District Board meetings. Passed unanimously.

vi.           Increase table fees at Regionals starting with Reno 2010.  Discussion ensued, both for and against the raise.  Jeff Taylor moved and Larry Crumb seconded the motion to increase table fees at District 20 Regionals by $1 to $11, starting with Reno 2010. Passed with John Weatherwax opposing.


4.       Tournament Manager-Marilyn Vilhauer

a.       Oregon Trail Regional down about 10%.  We barely made the required room block at the hotel. Assumption is the tournament will be up in 2011, when it is not competing with the Reno NABC.

b.       Eugene 2011.  Marilyn was able to renegotiate the contract at the Valley River Inn favorably for the District, for the most part because of competition with the Hilton.

c.        Reno: The District will try starting times of 10, 3 and 7:30, except for the 26th, which will be 2 and 7:30 and 11am on the 31st.

d.       Medford will have a breakfast buffet, open until 11am, at $4.95.

e.        Bend area regional: Still looking at the idea, but a large problem is finding a date in 2013. 


5.       District Director-Jeff Taylor

a.       Jeff presented his written report which is incorporated in these minutes by reference.

b.       Charity grants for 2010 are 7 totaling $30,000, thanks to a random lottery at ACBL headquarters. Charities are listed in Jeff’s report.

c.        ACBL headquarters moves across the river to Mississippi on March 11.

d.       To fill the vacancy on the Board of Governors, Sam Asai volunteered to attend the meeting in Reno. Bob Peery moved, Jeff Taylor seconded and Sam was elected as the third member of the Board of Governors, joining Merle Stetser and Karol Monroe.


6.       I/N Coordinator: No report from Dick Morris.


7.       Tournament Coordinator: Larry Crumb

a.       Would like to see sectional tournaments scheduled out for a number of years, not just the current year.


8.       NA Events: Rich Carle

a.       The GNT Final for Flights A,B and C final  will be at the Medford Regional May 15and 16. The open flight will be at the Portland Sectional on May 22-23.  The winners of each flight will be subsidized to compete at the NABCs in New Orleans this summer.

b.       The winners of NAOP (pairs) in 2009 will compete at the upcoming NABCs in Reno.

c.        In 2010, Hawaii and Chico will be able to hold finals for Flight A pairs, providing they have 5 tables.

d.       Flight A finals will be Sunday, October 31st.

e.        Rich recommends the entry fees for the NAOP finals be $11 for 2010, up from $10.

f.        Rich supports paying the higher subsidy for nationals held east of the Mississippi, rather than the Rockies.

g.        Reimbursement to Units and Clubs for holding finals for NA events will be $150 per day, unless conditions warrant otherwise.  The NA Coordinator will make these decisions.

h.       Larry Crumb moved; Bob Peery seconded a motion to raise NAOP fees to $11, effective immediately. Passed unanimously.


9.       Trumpet Editor-Christine Orchard

a.       Christine contacted Eddie Kantor, Larry Cohen and Richard Pavlicek for permission to use their articles.  They all agreed.

b.       Christine has also started an “Interesting People” series.

c.        Marilyn Vilhauer pointed out that the publication dates may need to be pushed back to the beginning of the month so that club schedules are available in a timely manner.


10.    NABC report: Kathy Hansen

a.       Kathy discussed the remaining information needed from Area Reps highlighting their Units, as requested in Seaside.

b.       The nationals are on track to be ready to go.


11.    Committee appointments-Sam Asai

a.       Hendrik Sharples, Disciplinary Chair

b.       Bob Hormel, Finance Committee member


12.    Open items

a.       Sam has moved ahead with meeting the Presidents and other officials of our neighbors, Districts 19 and 21.  He will next meet with District 18.

b.       Larry Crumb reported that he was reelected as Regional Representative by Units 457 (Chico), 458 (Eureka) and 464 (Redding).








13.    New business:

a.       Sam will start an email discussion about setting up a marketing position.

b.       Finance committee report on Bridgemates. Sam appointed a committee consisting of Merlin Vilhauer, Marie Ashton, John Weatherwax, Bob Peery, and Larry Crumb.

                                                                        vi.      Marie will gather information and send it to committee members.

c.        Finance committee report on free plays: Bob Peery moved to make free plays tournament specific; Molly Harris seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


14.    District Elections, Marc Zwerling, Parliamentarian

a.       By virtue of the fact that Sam Asai was the only person to run for President, he was reelected automatically.

b.       Bob Peery nominated Larry Crumb for Vice-President;Molly seconded the nomination.  There were no other nominations. Bob moved the nominations be closed; John Weatherwax seconded the motion. Larry was reelected unanimously.


15.    Next meeting on Friday in Medford.  Meeting adjourned at 6:30.






Respectfully submitted,


Marie Ashton

February 23, 2010